Lebanon - Beirut

(961) 01-270910

BCN Rutin & Melilot Extract

BCN Rutin & Melilot Extract

This ingenious mixture combines melilot extract with rutin, a bioflavonoid also known as vitamin P. The blend of these two active ingredients reduces both the fragility and permeability of blood vessels by means of vasoconstriction. Rutin & Melilot Extract Toning Solution prevents vitamin C from being destroyed in the body due to oxidation, while simultaneously combats collagen loss. It is also used to improve local circulation.

Presentation: Ampoule | 2 ml | 0,07 fl. oz. | Box of 10 ampoules | Mesotherapy serum
Body part use: Body
Treatment: CELLULITE

Warning: Store in room temperature
Cautions: Allergy to one of the components